Maplewood Implant Dentistry – Jensen & Jensen – Dental Implants in Maplewood
The doctors at Jensen & Jensen in Maplewood, Stillwater, Woodbury, and Forest Lake, MN are skilled implant and restorative dentists who take a comprehensive approach to your oral care. With a specialty in dental implants, Dr. Robert Jensen and Dr. Jane Jensen are devoted to restoring and enhancing your natural smile using conservative techniques and cutting-edge technology. From single tooth restorations to implant-supported bridges and laser surgery, we are eager to help you create the smile you have always wanted.
With more than 50 years of combined dental experience, we assist those who are looking to replace a missing tooth, or teeth, along with finding a permanent fix to wearing dentures. Anyone who is missing one or more teeth due to decay, disease, or injury may be the right candidate for dental implants. If you are seeking more information about dental implants in Maplewood, we will do our best to answer any of your questions and discuss treatment options.
New patients can expect a consultation with one of our doctors to see address the overall health of your mouth. We will also take X-rays and make impressions to ensure that health of your jaw bone and we may suggest bone grafting or sinus augmentation if necessary. A comprehensive treatment plan will be created specialized to your case and will address any other ailments you may not know you have.
When you come in for your treatment, we will numb the area and the implant will be surgically placed into the bone and allowed to heal onto the jaw bone. Depending on the type of implant, a second surgery may be required in order to place the “post” that will hold the artificial tooth in place.
After several weeks of healing, the artificial teeth are made and fitted to the post. Because several fittings may be required, this step may take one to two months to complete. After a healing period, the artificial teeth are securely attached to the implant, providing stability and comfort to the patient.
If you are seeking a stable and permanent solution to replace missing teeth, dental implants might be the best solution for you. At Jensen & Jensen, we are committed to providing the best quality dental care in Maplewood, Stillwater, Woodbury, and Forest Lake for all our patients.
Contact us for more information or request an appointment.